Search results

Your query "HR strategy and planning" has returned 116 articles.

Violeta Malár Momiroska, KBC Group: Critical thinking and vision are required when implementing new SuccessFactors processes

20.7.2023  Interview with Violetou Malár Momirosky, Chief Human Resources Officer, IT & Facility at KBC Group, Shared Services & Operations, CZ&BG

For the efficient functioning of the entire company and individual employees, it is important to have well-managed processes. For that reason, KBC Global Services introduced SAP SuccessFactors and is…

Kimberly Nei, Assessment Systems: Diversity is all about the diversity of people

3.5.2023  Interview with Kimberly Nei, Director of Talent Analytics, Assessment Systems International

Every company deals with the issue of talent selection for its teams. To help with this, they can evaluate analytics that, based on job profiles, will help with the selection of suitable candidates.…

How to create effective teams nowadays?

29.9.2022  Interview with Ryne Sherman of Hogan Assessment Systems International

Ryne Sherman, you are a Senior Scientist at Hogan Assessment Systems International. It is a great pleasure to have you here on HRtv. Your presentation at the conference for Hogan Assessment CR was…

Five steps to prevent employee burnout


The Covid pandemic, uncertainty, downsizing, new orders, new work agendas for the „surviving“ employees and overall changes in the company structure are just a partial list of reasons why  employees…

Innovation based on radical change for common sense


Turin, head quarter earth moving machines of Fiat. “Lorenzo, please go to the US and see what can be done. 60 engineers have not developed anything valuable for the clients since 10 years. Our product…

Transform your employees into artists: They will find a sense in what they do and stay


It’s October 2007. Paul, Sales Manager of a Bobcat importer in Norway, calls the training and demonstration team in Dobřiš, “Guys, I am coming with a group of 50 customers driving excavators and…

Measuring impact and ROI in online education needs to be more rigorous


To support and fund virtual learning in the new era, programmes must deliver real business results. Especially in times of budget downturns and downsizing, the measurability factor becomes absolutely…

Why virtual education programmes fail (and what to do about it)


For many years, experts from the international company ROI Institute have been monitoring and comparing the relative effectiveness of full-time and online education. Results show online education…

Video as a recruitment tool in 2021


Most of us hope that in 2021 restrictions resulting from the pandemic will be lifted. However, the pandemic integration of technology into workplace processes will remain with us. Virtual recruitment…

How to write a job description


The correct job description attracts the right candidates. Job descriptions are also important in helping employees understand their responsibilities while making it easier to evaluate their…

Six things to help HR learn from past recessions


COVID-19 has slowed down the economy in the same way as the mortgage crisis in 2007 and the dot-com bubble of 2001. Back then, many organisations laid off staff, cut salaries and froze recruitment -…

Who is responsible for employee involvement in the "new normal"?


New ways of working will require more flexibility and employee involvement. Here HR will play a key role ...

Do you sense the home office model is not working at your company?


For most full-time employees used to commuting to the office, the transition to working from home can be challenging. People communicate more often across a variety of digital communication tools and…

Are you motivating your front-line employees enough?


The COVID-19 pandemic has shown why it is so important to motivate these critical workers. But are we really doing this effectively?

Study: Women are more worried about a return to the office


Men do less work from home than women. In contrast, women are more nervous about returning to the office due to the threat of COVID-19.

Listing 1 to 15 out of 116